New visions, one frame at a time


Film is one of the three universal languages, the other two: mathematics and music.” – Frank Capra

Soul Hunter

Astral Projections is owned and operated by Nathan Taylor. Nathan has been working in photography, film & video in various roles since 1999. He is a graduate of the University of Calgary with a BA in English and a minor in Film Studies. He has had experience on Hollywood feature films, no-budget independent shorts and everything in between. The conveyance of ideas and emotion through the power of light and sound are his passion and he brings creative insight into every project he takes on.


Astral Projections primarily uses Canon HDSLRs for its video and photography productions. We also use other equipment when deemed necessary. Many pieces of equipment used by Astral Projections are custom made in order to provide exactly the control and quality demanded by our clients.

Based in San Francisco services are also available in Montreal, Toronto, Calgary and numerous other cities in Canada and the US. Have camera, will travel.

Skype: ap.films
Phone: San Francisco – (415) 787-FILM (3456)     Montreal – (514) 705-8239